Stories of Hope

Hands holding a piece of paper that says hope

Providing Help and Hope to Our Neighbors in Need

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul Our Lady of Guadalupe Helotes Conference assists thousands of struggling individuals and families by providing food and pledging direct emergency utility assistance. Here are a few stories of help and hope we provided.

Bob was skipping meals.

Bob is a widower living on a limited income. Bob often found himself skipping meals to make the amount of food he could afford last longer. During a chance meeting at his church, Bob met a Society of St. Vincent de Paul Helotes member, who encouraged him to visit our food pantry. The food he receives every two weeks helps supplement his groceries and ensures that Bob will not have to skip meals again.

Volunteer with her hand on top of an elderly man's hands that are resting on a cane
A young mom holding one of her two kids and smiling

Toni was struggling to pay her electric bill.

Toni, a single mother, was out of work due to an accident resulting in missed utility payments and a service disconnection notice. She came to our food pantry for emergency assistance with her utility bill. One of our volunteers was able to make a pledge to prevent the family’s electricity from being cut off. The volunteer also connected Toni to CPS Energy’s Affordability Discount Program so she could set up an affordable payment plan. The emergency financial assistance Toni and her children received kept their electricity on and put Toni on a path to getting caught up on past-due bills.

Submit Your Story

Have you been helped at the Society of St. Vincent de Paul? If so, we encourage you to submit your story. Because we believe in promoting the dignity of our neighbors in need, we will not use your name or photo unless you give us permission. Your story allows our donors to learn more about how we provide help through our food and utility assistance programs. Click here to submit your story.